
FÚTBOL Estudio,Investigación y Análisis.

marzo 12, 2015

The Importance of the Set Plays (Strategy) in Football

UEFA Champions League: Chl 2-2 PSG
(goals of PSG) 

Man is the only animal that trips twice on the same rock.

marzo 08, 2015

The Perfection at its Highest Level

Circular running, going out , going in, diagonal sprint, impulse, taking off, contact with the ball turning neck, power, precision, direction, landing, running for celebration. Excellent technique for the beauty of the football.

Circular Movement for Scoring

marzo 02, 2015

Defender (2) breaking the flat back four, opponent (4) playing behind the white midfielders.

Lack of Concentration: looking at the ball, losing the references.

Numerical Superiority vs Positional Superiority

Superioridad Numérica vs Superioridad Posicional. 
(Conceptos desarrollados por Mikel Etxarri)

Numerical Superiority vs Positional Superiority. (M.Etxarri)

Another situation to confirm that higher number of defenders than attackers is not synonym of defensive quality.

FA Final Cup : Defensive Errors + Offensive Virtues

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