
FÚTBOL Estudio,Investigación y Análisis.

agosto 09, 2021

"Regulate the Irregular, Balance the Imbalances"

(article translated from the original "Regular lo Irregular, Equilibrar los Desequilibrios" published in #Linkedln)

Football Coaches focus our efforts on getting the objectives for which clubs or National teams call us.
However, within the planning of training sessions and that periodization to which the preparation of our teams and players is subjected, we set weekly goals and punctual aims in the games, which is where the work done during the week is reflected.
A football game is an infinite source of information, from where a suitable and convenient selection of the most relevant data helps us to focus on what we consider to be important.
Starting from the above, REGULATING THE IRREGULAR requires a deep study of each situation and the detection of tactical behaviors that deviate from the essential concepts transmitted to our players and that we aspire to be maintained over time. These deviations in performances are common due to the variables that appear in a game; our weekly objective is that these irregularities are minimized and be prepared for others that may come from opponent´s actions.
During a match, we can have little influence on our footballers who are surrounding the ball, but we can do so in tasks of prevention of actions after the one that is taking place at a precise moment. BALANCING THE IMBALANCES, when the compensatory movements are not executed according to the situation that demands them, when the urgency to score a goal or avoid receiving it leads us to a disorder that does not benefit our team in the following own or rival movements.
In short, BEFORE a game, PREPARE it; DURING the match, CONTROL it; AFTER the game, EVALUATE it. Simple processes that require analysis, decision making and subsequent execution.

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